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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

DS18B20 water proof temperature sensors hooked up to Arduino UNO

DS18B20 water proof temperature sensors hooked up to Arduino UNO
I am not an electronics guy. I am a mechanical engineer and as a part of personal project, I had to record temperatures from three different heat sources. Let me jump right into the procedures showing how the sensors are hooked up to Arduino and make them work.

Hardware requirements
1.       Arduino Uno
2.       A bunch of jumper wires
3.       Resistor- 4.7 KΩ
4.       Bread Board
5.       Temperature sensors – 3 quantity

6.       USB- cable for Arduino

Software Requirement
Arduino programme

Circuit Diagram

Sensor wire Colour indication

Some cases you may find a yellow colour instead of Blue. Nevertheless, they serve the same purpose.
Pull-up Resistor
I did not have a single 4.7KΩ, I used two 10 KΩ in parallel, producing an effective 5KΩ.

Build Bread board circuit
Following images show the steps. Connect the jumper wires as shown from step1 through step4.




 Connect each sensors as shown below. Refer circuit diagram in case of confusion
1.       Sensor-1 connected

2.       Sensor-2 connected

 Sensor-3 connected

Connect wires from Bread Board to Arduino as shown below

Orange wire goes to +5V on Arduino board
Black goes to –GND on Arduino board
Blue goes to Digital connector number - 2 here

 Now connect Arduino to computer using the USB cable.

Uploading the sketch gives the following output on Serial Monitor

Arduino sketch is given below for 3 sensors; header files are also included. 

Downloads :

 Feel free to contact me in case of questions


  1. Thank you for posting a ready to use information

  2. Thanks. That is a good piece of info. Hope it could handle more sensors in this configuration and Arduino could handle it! -Rijo Jose
